Ucenter Dress burgundy or purple dress for the party show

The environmental working group performed a study on newborn babies cord blood and you would be shocked what they found.

232 different toxic chemicals were found in the babies cord blood, over 150 of those chemicals are known cancer causers.

I bring this up because people need to know that our bodies are loaded with toxic chemicals mostly by the products we buy. Things like shampoo, lotion, non stick cookware etc.


The great news is that we can detox these chemicals out of our bodies. People get weird when they hear detox, they think their bodies take care of this for them until the point when they get really sick they realize the truth.

The reality is our body was never designed to be around so many chemicals.
We need to help our bodies detox these nasty chemicals.

There are many ways to detox and I will write about different types. The easiest thing you can do now is to put natural products on your skin and hair. Eat real food and avoid processed good. You would avoid 70% of toxins just doing that. Ucenter Dress burgundy or purple dress for the party show

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