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When you drink water?

A lot of people say they don't like drinking water before bed so they don't have to get up at night to go to the bathroom. UcenterDress romantic boho style selections for prom

I didn't know, but it's interesting...


I asked my cardiologist because people should pee so much at night. His answer was:

When a person is seated, the force of gravity retains the water at the bottom of his body.

This is why the legs tend to swell up.

When you go to bed, the lower part of your body is looking for a balance with your kidneys.

So the kidneys remove the water along with the waste, because that is the most propitious moment.

Water is essential to eliminate waste from its body.

I asked the cardiologist what the most favorable time to drink water.

He replied: water must be watered at the most precise moments so that its effectiveness within the body is maximum.

2 glasses of water shortly after the alarm clock activates the internal organs.

1 Glass of water 30 minutes before each meal improves digestion.

1 Glass of water before taking a bath (or two) decreases blood pressure.

1 Glass of water before bed, avoid a stroke or cardiac brain.

Drinking water before bed avoids having leg cramps during the night.

When there's cramps, the muscles in the legs are looking for water and humidity.

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