UcenterDress two piece items to wear in the formal occasions

NATIONAL SECURITY. This is urgent! I am a physician that processes military applicants. I can tell you that we DISQUALIFY applicants everyday who would be great soldiers BUT they have never had decent healthcare as children and subsequently have damaged hearing as a result of untreated ear infections, poor vision due to undetected eye disease and even obesity with early diabetes undetected and untreated. If every American had access to affordable healthcare, our young adult population would be healthy and capable of serving in our military in record numbers. Many of our applicants only began to receive adequate healthcare within the last few years that the Affordable Care Act became the law of the land. Sadly, it was too late for many of them. They were already too damaged to safely serve our country. Affordable healthcare for every American is a matter of National Security, NOT just personal responsibility. Contact your Senators today and tell them to vote NO on any bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act. Tell them to work across the aisle to strengthen and improve affordable care for all Americans. Again, it is a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY. Text "resist" to 50409 and follow the prompts. It's a free service and will get your message to your Senators. UcenterDress two piece items to wear in the formal occasions