budget-saving homecoming wear that is below 50

Hi, a question to other parents about bruising please. My daughter is 5 and comes up with unexplained bruising all the time. This is mostly on legs but the odd 1 or 2 on arm or back sometimes. She also suffers from constipation, quite skinny and occasional leg pain. The Internet basically points me in the direction of luekemia and there's a load of sad horror stories to go with it, is there anyone who's child has had similar bruising or symptoms and it turned out to be someth ... ing else? Or any parents been through luekemia that might help? It's really distressing and iv been put onto anxiety tablets myself because of the constant worry. I lost my mum to cancer as a child which may affect the worries and I am getting support through my gp to help. Just interested if there was any other potential explanantions or a bit of positivity at a gloomy time. We have sought medical help and she had a blood test yesterday, now facing the nervous wait for results. Thank you. X budget-saving homecoming wear that is below 50

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