items to wear in the bech of the wedding that is affordable

Circumcised VS Uncircumcised
I'm actually going to be making a couple different posts around many different heated topics. Today were going to talk about this topic and another one later on.
This is another heated topic between parents. Some claim getting your baby circumcised is child abuse others claim it's not. It is not child abuse. In this day and age everything someone doesn't agree with seems to get pushed under the abuse category. Some I don't think really know the ... actual definition of child abuse. Circumcision helps with many issues. Helps keep everything clean. Uncircumcised boys tend to have issues with infections because they aren't properly cleaning down there. However both ways are fine. Whether you get your child circumcised or not is your choice. Why must parents turn everything into a debate? There is no right way. There's no perfect parent. Every parent makes mistakes. Circumcision isn't abuse and when properly done the baby feels no pain. I got my first son circumcised in 2015 and they asked me if I wanted to stand in and watch the procedure be done. I chose not to but I did eventually end up peeking in to check on him. He cried for a split second but not from being cut, he cried because the sugary drink they let them suckle on was gone. A proper procedure should take aproximately 45 mins, that's doing the numbing and everything else down there. Ladies you carried your baby for 9 month's nobody else but you. The only people who have a say over your child is you and the child's other parent. That's it. Don't let anyone tell you what your doing is wrong. What you should or shouldn't do. items to wear in the bech of the wedding that is affordable

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